Club Meetings

Hello all. Vaughn here, your Chairman.

I am sorry, but very certain this is the correct way forward, to say that all club contact will be suspended from now, 16/03/2020, until further notice. This is due to the latest notice form the government, who now say, and I paraphrase a little, ‘now is the time for everyone to stop non essential contact!’. This unfortunately means LARC, Leiston Amature Radio Club, should not meet until this ban is removed.
I know this will be hard, not only for myself, but with higher than normal risk of concerns in this preset time and virus situation, this is a must.
The club NET will continue, This thursday 2000 hrs, and next Wednesday 2000 hrs and alternate from there. Please do pop a call in, using GB3PO, if you can. FYI PO is giving problem so, if too noisy we may move to GB3IH. This will be posted on and the web page.
I do hope you all keep well and please keep in touch. I hope this silliness, for want of another word, is over soon and we can then return to our normal fun activities.
Many thanks for reading this long email. 73s Vaughn