DMR Club Night Follow Up

Thanks to Keith, G7CIY for putting together the introduction to DMR presentation at the club meeting on Tuesday, answering the audience questions and for providing a live feed to the Tech Net on local Talk Group 840, using DMR and the local repeater GB7AL at Tunstall.

It made all the difference being able to hear and see DMR mode UHF radio in action.

We’ll be pleased to follow up any interest in DMR at future club meetings.

If your appetite to explore this relatively new mode of amateur radio has been whetted there is an interesting article “DMR in the East for 2017” written by Andy 2E0DIQ, on the SARG website here. it mentions the local repeaters, the history of DMR in the area and has useful links for those seeking advice and assistance; the local DMR users are a friendly bunch.

Finally, to keep up to date on SARG and local amateur radio related topics Andy M3FDQ invites us to subscribe to the SARG mailing list here.